Sweeter by DIXON
Director: Khairi Christopher & DIXSON
Producer: Mike Mihail and Dr. Arshley Emille (Timberhouse Films)
Editor: Khairi Christopher

Filmed by Dr. Arshley Emile of Timberhouse Films. Listen to Maintainin' here: https://soundcloud.com/erick-dayz/eri... Follow me IG: @erickdayz twitter: @erickdayz FB: @erickdayz
The title track of Ra-chelle's debut album, "The New Song" ©2016 We're Not Famous, Inc. Directed by Dr. Arshley Emile of Timberhouse Films
![Mars Togaia - Scorpionic [Official Video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5afc5192f79392ced8b7bade/1681743256728-93EW2524HM4L00WDNIUC/image-asset.jpeg)

Sweeter by DIXON
Director: Khairi Christopher & DIXSON
Producer: Mike Mihail and Dr. Arshley Emille (Timberhouse Films)
Editor: Khairi Christopher
Filmed by Dr. Arshley Emile of Timberhouse Films. Listen to Maintainin' here: https://soundcloud.com/erick-dayz/eri... Follow me IG: @erickdayz twitter: @erickdayz FB: @erickdayz
The title track of Ra-chelle's debut album, "The New Song" ©2016 We're Not Famous, Inc. Directed by Dr. Arshley Emile of Timberhouse Films