
Stitch is an American story about a team of women who come together to create a quilting organization that helps to showcase the quilting talents of other women of color. Though often overlooked, as it exists today, quilting is a $3 billion industry, which black and brown women are the minority of. This film attempts to help mitigate the misrepresentation of women of color in this industry. Overall, this film provides an intimate look into the lives of African American quilters who tell their stories, both past and present.

Elder's Project Mini Doc
Jamie Harris
Coach K "I AM ART"
30 Winters
Andy Young "Nobody Can Define Beauty for You"
Changing the Narrative: The Angry Black Woman Narrative EP 3
Changing the Narrative: Being Black is a Marathon Ep. 2
Changing The Narrative: MLK'S Dream Deferred? EP. 1

Changing the Narrative is a mini doc series that explores MLK's Dream of equality. The small production team goes to different cities and states asking people for their input as it pertains to MLK's dream and other topics related to the negative stereotypes aimed toward the Black community. The answers vary but the truth remains that there are some disparities as it relates to the Black community, especially when compared to their White counterparts. Lastly, the focus is to figure out how we can come up with ways to help mitigate the disproportions and truly help make MLK's Dream become a reality for all.

Reflection of Change: Erica Chisolm
Becoming Omiyale
Marryam Brown (Mini Doc)
Elder's Project Mini Doc
Jamie Harris
Coach K "I AM ART"
30 Winters
Andy Young "Nobody Can Define Beauty for You"
Changing the Narrative: The Angry Black Woman Narrative EP 3
Changing the Narrative: Being Black is a Marathon Ep. 2
Changing The Narrative: MLK'S Dream Deferred? EP. 1
Reflection of Change: Erica Chisolm
Becoming Omiyale
Marryam Brown (Mini Doc)

Stitch is an American story about a team of women who come together to create a quilting organization that helps to showcase the quilting talents of other women of color. Though often overlooked, as it exists today, quilting is a $3 billion industry, which black and brown women are the minority of. This film attempts to help mitigate the misrepresentation of women of color in this industry. Overall, this film provides an intimate look into the lives of African American quilters who tell their stories, both past and present.

Elder's Project Mini Doc
Jamie Harris
Coach K "I AM ART"
30 Winters
Andy Young "Nobody Can Define Beauty for You"
Changing the Narrative: The Angry Black Woman Narrative EP 3
Changing the Narrative: Being Black is a Marathon Ep. 2
Changing The Narrative: MLK'S Dream Deferred? EP. 1

Changing the Narrative is a mini doc series that explores MLK's Dream of equality. The small production team goes to different cities and states asking people for their input as it pertains to MLK's dream and other topics related to the negative stereotypes aimed toward the Black community. The answers vary but the truth remains that there are some disparities as it relates to the Black community, especially when compared to their White counterparts. Lastly, the focus is to figure out how we can come up with ways to help mitigate the disproportions and truly help make MLK's Dream become a reality for all.

Reflection of Change: Erica Chisolm
Becoming Omiyale
Marryam Brown (Mini Doc)
show thumbnails